英語表記を追加します!(We will add English addition!)


(We know more than 1000 downloads of neckties, not only in Japan, but also widely accessed from overseas. Particularly in relation to astronomy, usage from the United States, Canada, American Samoa, etc. is widely followed by Japan. We would like to have interest in the astronomy on this occasion, so We decided to include a link to astronomical information and words that can be seen from overseas as well as English.)


海外の方へ。(To overseas friends.)


(Our mobile astronomical telescope & Planetrium service is restricted to Japan, but looking up at the sky is the same. Everyone in the Northern Hemisphere thinks we are seeing almost the same starry sky as us. Also, those in the south and low latitude points will be looking up at our constellations and stars quite different from us. By all means at this opportunity, please compare the starry sky of Japan with the starry sky visible all over the world. We are friends looking up at the same universe!)