一部の英語併記について(About English written commentary)

アクセス分析情報(個人情報収集はしていません。)を考慮し、一部のページを海外から利用しやすいように英語表記にしました。(Considering access analysis information (personal information gathering is not done.), We made some pages in English to make it easy to use from overseas.)

ネクタイの作り方(型紙無料ダウンロード)How to make ties!(You can download the paper pattern free.)


この型紙のサイトは、日本国内だけでなく、北米、ヨーロッパ、アジア諸国(中国、台湾、タイ、韓国、ベトナム)、オーストラリアからの需要があるそうで、ダウンロードされています。(There seems to be demand from not only Japan but also from North America, Europe, Asian countries (China, Taiwan, Thailand, Korea, Vietnam) and Australia, and it is being downloaded.)

I(Kenji Nakajima:Director of the Observatory) changed a website with a tie pattern paper in English written commentary! This is a paper pattern I made! ”Made In Japan”. Look at this and let’s make a Necktie! And know more about Japan. Japanese welcome customers from overseas. please come to Japan! There is a spirit of “Omotenashi”(hospitality!) in Japan. Also in 2020 is the year of “Tokyo Olympics held”, “Mars close approach” and “Hayabusa 2″return! There are also topics of astronomy and visitors from overseas will also increase. In this opportunity I would like to know “Japan’s starry sky” ”Japan’s space technology”!welcome to Japan!

ネクタイの作り方(型紙無料ダウンロード)How to make ties!(You can download the paper pattern free.)

We welcomes guests from overseas!

Nazca Osaka Observatory


Japan’s space technology!

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency”JAXA”


National Astronomical Observatory of Japan.”NAOJ”





Cool Japan.


Web Japan.
